What does CNR do in the CASSATA project?
What does CNR aim to achieve by participating in the CASSATA project?
What specific areas does CNR focus on in the CASSATA project to improve covert sensing and operational effectiveness amidst rapid changes in European defense?
The CNR activities aim at enhance the operational effectiveness of optronic sensors for chemical analysis by introducing multiparametric measurement units endowed with multiple different sensors and a machine learning-based interpretation of the data collected capable of giving a warning when the chemistry of the environment change, and trained to classify the type of warning. the paradigm shift consists in giving up the diret measurement of trace concentration of chemicals with sophisticated equipment, but rather extract environmental information from different sensors and infer whether the chemical backgroud has changed since the last measurement. This strategy allows to strongly reduce the sensor’s technological requirements, making possible to miniaturize them and reduce their cost to make them conceleable and expendable.