
Project Partner📍 Thales LAS France (TLAS) 🇫🇷


What does TLAS do in the CASSATA project?

With our strong expertise in radar and passive radar technologies, Thales LAS France is leader of the Technical Area 3 (Radar and RF devices), leader of WP11 and leader of task T12.5.

What does TLAS aim to achieve by participating in the CASSATA project?

Participating to CASSATA is the occasion for Thales LAS France to show the strength of passive radar in a collaborative surveillance system, which will help the commercialisation of passive radar.

What specific areas does TLAS focus on in the CASSATA project to improve covert sensing and operational effectiveness amidst rapid changes in European defense?

Thales LAS France will focus on the passive radar : integration in wide surveillance system, definition of specific performances indicators to provide to data fusion to help covert sensing, definition of improvement to make on passive radar to help detect fast targets (mortar or rockets) and study of a polarimetric passive radar which should improve detection and covert sensing.