What does FOI do in the CASSATA project?
FOI is involved in the technical areas TA1-Otronics for covert sensing (WP3-WP5) and TA2-Acoustics/Seismic sensing (WP6,WP8-WP9). The focus in TA1 is covert laser range finding. The focus in TA2 is modelling and algorithms for acoustics sensors. FOI is also involved in WP1 and WP2, project management and requirements, respectively.
What does FOI aim to achieve by participating in the CASSATA project?
Develop new covert sensing technology for EU’s defence needs and bring the science closer to the end-user requirements. Create new collaboration opportunities with other experts in the consortium.
What specific areas does FOI focus on in the CASSATA project to improve covert sensing and operational effectiveness amidst rapid changes in European defense?
FOI is focusing on developing new covert laser range finders and improving algorithms for seismic-acoustic sensing capabiliites to enhance end-users situational awareness.