- D1.1. Project management plan | Sensitive | M03
- D1.2. Data Management Plan | Sensitive | M06
- D1.3. Communication and Dissemination, Exploitation and IPR Management (midterm) | Sensitive | M18
- D1.4. Project progress report 1 | Sensitive | M07
- D1.5. Communication and Dissemination, Exploitation and IPR Management (final version) | Sensitive | M36
- D1.6. Project progress report 2 | Sensitive | M12
- D1.7. Project progress report 3 | Sensitive | M24
- D1.8. Special Report 1 | Sensitive | M18
- D1.9. Special Report 2 | Sensitive | M36
- D2.1. Requirements, CONOPs and Use Case Definition (1st Version) | EU Classified | M06
- D2.2. Overarching Architecture, validation plan and KPIs (1st version) | EU Classified | M09
- D2.3. Requirements, CONOPs and Use Case Definition (Final Version) | EU Classified | M22
- D2.4. Overarching Architecture validation plan and KPIs (Final version) | EU Classified | M25
- D3.1 Strategies report | Sensitive | M07
- D3.2. Review of preliminary results | Sensitive | M13
- D3.3. Conclusive WP3 report | Sensitive | M24
- D4.1. Optical sensors selection | Sensitive | M18
- D4.2. Smart use of sensing data | Sensitive | M24
- D4.3. Communication protocol & sensor management | Sensitive | M24
- D4.4. Sensor housing and platforms | Sensitive | M30
- D5.1. Optical Sensor Specification | Sensitive | M25
- D5.2. Smart Optronic Intelligence | Sensitive | M27
- D5.3. Design of Optronic Interfaces | Sensitive | M27
- D5.4. Optronic Covert Sensing System Design | Sensitive | M28
- D5.5. Optronic Lab evaluation | Sensitive | M30
- D6.1. Report on state of the art of acoustic sensors | Sensitive | M06
- D6.2. Report on lab test of built sensors | EU Classified | M24
- D6.3. Report on the influence of noise on DAS performance | EU Classified | M24
- D7.1. Expected gains and technical integration constrains of acoustics sensors | Sensitive | M30
- D8.1. Models and Algorithms report | EU Classified | M24
- D9.1. Specification of acoustic/seismic sensors/sensor networks | Sensitive | M30
- D10.1. Report on preliminary studies | Sensitive | M36
- D11.1. Interface definition from TA Radar/RF | Sensitive | M24
- D11.2. Report on concept how to fuse data | Sensitive | M24
- D12.1. Feasibility Studies final report | Sensitive | M36
- D13.1. RF/Radar design and demonstration report | Sensitive | M36
- D14.1. First version of a data model for improved interoperability in defence systems | Sensitive | M12
- D14.2. Final version of a data model for improved interoperability in defence systems | Sensitive | M33
- D14.3. Report on the results of LPD/LPI wireless mesh networking for distributed covert sensing | Sensitive | M33
- D15.1. Sensors Management & Processing study document | Sensitive | M18
- D15.2. Sensor fusion and interoperability study document | Sensitive | M18
- D15.3. Collaborative Sensors study document | Sensitive | M18
- D15.4. Covert Sensing global functional chain document | Sensitive | M24
- D15.5. Evaluation and validation of fusion | Sensitive | M24
- D16.1. Sensors Management & Processing design document | Sensitive | M24
- D16.2. Sensor fusion and interoperability design document | Sensitive | M24
- D16.3. Collaborative Sensors design document | Sensitive | M24
- D16.4. Covert Sensing Global Demonstration report | Sensitive | M36