The concept of CASSATA relies on exploiting and intruding a broad range of passive and covert sensing systems, multi-sensor platforms and techniques that ensure improved detection, tracking, classification, and identification of targets, incorporating advanced processing, data correlation, data fusion, AI and edge computing techniques in a flexible, scalable and interoperable way.
The concept of CASSATA relies on exploiting and introducing a broad range of passive and covert sensing systems, multi-sensor platforms and techniques that ensure improved detection, tracking, classification, and identification of targets, incorporating advanced processing, data correlation, data fusion, AI and edge computing techniques in a flexible, scalable and interoperable way.
CASSATA will follow a flexible and modular architecture in combining different sensing systems, that will enable the rapid and easy deployment, efficient interworking, and data correlation, ensuring real-time operations and effective surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning and decision making. A key challenge facing the European forces, is how to make the most effective use of the available and newly developed sensing and processing resources to achieve optimum surveillance results. CASSATA proposes adaptive and collaborative data fusion, AI and sensor management by automatically allocating, controlling, triggering and coordinating the sensing and the processing resources to meet multi-domain and multi-mission operations in harsh and complex environment. Data fusion of multiple heterogeneous physical sources and permutations of cross domain fusion will lead to a new quality of data exploitation.
The methodology of the CASSATA project is designed to develop the Technical Areas (TAs) through a sequential process, where each partner contributes to the stages of the process based on their expertise and value added. The project is structured into 16 different work packages (WPs) that follow the types of activities required for each stage of development.

The project’s methodology includes:
✓ Studies to analyze the feasibility of applications, evaluate new solutions, and advance computing techniques for each technical area. These studies involve conceptual work, defining processes, and creating high-level system architectures, as well as simulations and proof-of-concepts .
✓ Design activities based on the studies, which develop the technical design of the components covered by each TA. This includes developing detailed designs and prototypes to evaluate the solutions. The design phase is coordinated with other TAs and considers data exchange formats to support functional areas .
✓ Implementation, where the designed components and systems are put into practicein real-world scenarios, ensuring compliance with the end-users needs.
The TAs in the CASSATA project cover various aspects of sensor management and processing:
- ΤΑ1: Optronics for covert sensing
- TA2: Acoustics/Seismic sensing
- TA3: RF and RADAR systems for covert sensing
- TA4: Adaptive and collaborative sensing, data processing, fusion, AI and sensor management
Each TA is developed following the defined methodology, ensuring coherence and integration across the different areas of the project.